Why the world still needs human copywritersHave you heard the one about the chocolate record player? It sounds pretty sweet.
Ah, the dad joke. The bedrock of human comedic interaction. And, as yet, largely beyond the capacity of artificial intelligence. But you’d be forgiven for wondering why on earth that matters, given the fact that we’re clearly in the middle of a content-writing revolution of sorts, and making full use of the humble pun is not necessarily the top priority when it comes to crafting the words that connect you to your ideal customers. Do dad jokes make sales? Well, no. Not necessarily. (Except where they do, of course, which is where brand voice comes into its own.) But this isn’t about the dad joke, not at its heart. This is about the limits of what AI can do. And why, as a copywriter, I’m not worried about being automated out of existence. Quite the contrary, in fact.
Get the most bang for your buck with social media advertisingSocial media ads... love them or hate them, they're still a solid part of any online marketing strategy. But with so many platforms available, it can be overwhelming to work out where to even start, let alone how to create effective ad campaigns. Plus, with only so many hours in a day – and an actual business to run – how do you find the time? And is it even worth it?
The short answers are (a) bring in the professionals and (b) yes, absolutely. For the long answer – how to make them boost your business without wrecking your sanity – read on… Careful word choice builds trust among your ideal customersOne of the companies I write for is in the process of rebranding at the moment, and part of that process involves a reworking of the tone of voice principles they apply to customer communication. It’s a large company with an international presence, so this is no small undertaking – and yet an objective observer might conclude that the tone-of-voice change they’re implementing, which involves changing just one adjective in the keywords they use to describe the kind of copy they want us to write, is minimal.
An objective observer might conclude as much, but they’d be wrong. This one tiny tweak represents a seismic shift for the copy I’ll be writing. That’s how important it is to make sure you’ve got your tone of voice principles absolutely on point. Whether you’re considering a TOV re-think, starting from scratch, or worrying that you haven’t given yours enough thought, read on for some key principles that you can apply to help move you in the right direction. |
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